Convert stagnant Miles/Points into Value

If you are like me, you have about a dozen or so loyalty / reward programs that you belong to….because at the time of that purchase you wanted to make sure you earned every benefit you could with that purchase.

And just like me, you are really only loyal to less than a handful of programs, leaving the stagnant list of programs in your inventory just floating there with whatever little points you accumulated. Due to the infrequent use of these programs, most of the times these points will go unused and often lost due to inactivity.

As I sit here and look at my entire list of reward programs that I have created a set of login credentials for, I wonder is there a way to transfer or not lose the little value of those infrequent accounts that I use…From there, I discovered

I came across because under one of the reward programs, it had this as an option to transfer and redeem points to other programs. is a service that helps members of multiple loyalty programs stay organized, and creating new ways for you to earn, spend, and exchange your airline miles, hotel points, credit card rewards and more.

This is exactly what I was looking for, and after a quick setup of a new account I had a majority of my loyalty programs loaded up. They offer a great interface and I then quickly went to exchange the Amtrak rewards that I earned many moons ago into Delta Skymiles. To test out the value of the website, I went directly to the Amtrak site and didn’t have this option…so from there, that is the value that offers.

I will continue to look for great ways to utilize and monetize all of these accumulated rewards across all of my rewards programs.

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