That was the easiest $29.00 I ever made

So if you have stopped by my blog lately, you will notice that I am all about increasing the MoneyTree as fast as possible with many side hustles or money making ideas out there. I do actually go through and test many ideas and opportunities out myself to ensure I can provide real world experience if it works or not, and if it is worth it….Well, with that said…I think I made the easiest $29.00 to date and would like to share the idea with you.

This stack of free cash was discovered within the Coinbase website. If you recall, some other side hustles that I am working on is earning free Bitcoin from around the web. Coinbase is a secure wallet that I use to transfer from Bitcoin to US Dollars and then send it along to my PalPal account for the Money Tree. I am a relatively new user of Coinbase and I discovered on the website that they will pay you to take quick lessons to learn about other crytpo currencies…Sounds too good to be true, so I tried it…

Holy cow, within 5 minutes I was able to earn the following:

$6 in DAI coins

$10 in EOS coins

$10 in Stellar Lumens coins

$3 in BAT tokens

From there, I took each of those coins and quickly converting them into BitCoin without a fee then sold all my Bitcoin for USD and the last step was to send along to my PalPay account…To note, there was a small fee from Coinbase on when I sold the Bitcoin but in my eyes, totally worth it since this was free money laying around out there.

The cool thing about all of this is that I am able to send a link to 10 friends that can basically do the same thing. So if you are interested (current Coinbase member or not), feel free to send me an email or leave a comment and I will respond privately to you.