Stacking Rewards..A gift for you

Tis’ the season to stack rewards on your holiday purchases. It almost becomes too easy to be able to get savings off of your purchases these days. During the holiday season, if your inbox is like mine, there must be at least 5 coupon codes or savings opportunities on anything that you purchased in the past.

And as I have mentioned in previous posts, a little planning goes a long way in saving some real cash. Here is a recent example of how I stacked savings into my stocking this year:

  • promo code save me $22.50, resulting in a $52.49 purchase
  • Free shipping was provided, great implied value for me
  • Accessed the online site through Rakuten and saved 1% = $0.52
  • Signed up for FanCash and accumulated $1.58 for a future purchase
  • Used my Chase Credit card cash back @ 1.5% rate = $0.79 cash back
  • Additional 5% off with Chase on other cash back opportunties = $2.62

The grand total of savings is $28.01 or over 37% off, a great deal for only a slight time investment.

As you go through your purchases this holiday season, try and stack as much as possible. I always go to the Rakuten first to see if there are any deals on that site, as they provide a huge variety on savings. It isn’t that hard to do and it will help you grow your money tree faster.